Endangered Species
01Built with IUCN’s Red List & WikiPedia API‘s, this web-app shows the profile of a random endangered species from the selected country.
Hello! My name is Meagan, a full stack developer based in Toronto.
Built with IUCN’s Red List & WikiPedia API‘s, this web-app shows the profile of a random endangered species from the selected country.
Create travel journals with Travelopolis! Authentication with JWT, and TINYMCE for rich editing.
Created for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. A filterable, sortable, and searchable list of fish/bugs that can show you what’s available now in your current date and time.
Helper app for Pokémon Go to determine Pokémon type effectiveness and weaknesses when battling.
Designed and developed by yours truly. Gatsby blog with Netlify CMS.
Fun web-app designed & developed with Clyde Grey. Create a custom burrito and share it with friends over Twitter, or with the trash-panda.
How well do you know your cats from dogs? Guess as many correctly as you can within 20 seconds. Try to be the first in the leaderboard!